So I got really interested in the impact of the smartphone on. People's habits and culture or rather the various cultural implications of the digital world. I started making a bunch of work about that. Super fascinating.
Kate Hollenbach: I lived in Singapore too!
Weilyn Chong: No Way. Really? Were you in school?
Kate Hollenbach: Yeah. For high school.
Weilyn Chong: No way, did you go to SAS?
Kate Hollenbach: Yeah, I want to SAS!
I see the internet as a place to learn and a place to connect with other people. I also see it as a place that reflects the values of our present economic system.
I guess I see links as describing a connection between people or between things and entities. And for me the word link in a web-based sense also implies a directionality. So it's possible to create a link from a site to another site, but to not have a link back.
So it's not necessarily something that implies mutuality that's super fascinating.
The inherent judgment in them that like what was happening on the screen didn't matter or wasn't important. And that the physical world was more important.
And I wanted the actual activity which is actually quite fast paced to be depicted in the work as well. Both the physical activity and the virtual activity are equal forms. So that was how that work came to be. The intersection between the physical world and digital world was fascinating. The reminder that we are floating constantly in and out of being conscious in the physical world and the digital world.
My process is that I think about things for a really long time and I like to work iteratively. So once I have something, I usually assume that the project is not going to be done.
I generally don't consider any line of inquiry done. I consider myself done with the line, but I generally feel that like, there's more for someone else there.
I don't feel a need to use the fastest or best tool for the job,
technology is supportive of things that people want to do and achieve in all aspects of their life.
I think just kind of having that body of work come out of such a transition time in my life always feels like something that was filled with small victories.
That's not to say anything about the quality of the work, but just having done the work and having explored it in such a deep and thorough way is something that I found really satisfying from working on those projects.